image from I contribute to the Fedora Magazine, what about you?

I contribute to the Fedora Magazine, what about you?

How do I contribute to OSS?

Recently I reached out to the folks over that the Fedora Project to see how I might go about getting involved. I spoke to the people in Marketing, Documentation, and the Fedora Magazine. While Marketing and Documentation both sounded very interesting, I ended up choosing the Fedora Magazine. Why? Because they are everything I love doing. With the Fedora Magazine, I have the opportunity to both edit and write. My background in editing and writing articles from way back in my college days made me feel right at home with the Magazine.

Considering that I just started this role a couple of days ago, I am still learning all of the ropes. To this day, I have begun editing an article, and have written an article that is in progress (for context, I began three days ago). You’re probably wondering what I think of it so far. Well, it is great. Since I have been using Fedora Linux since it was first known as Fedora Core 1, I have always had a desire to contribute to such an active community. Finally, I couldn’t hold back the urge to contribute anymore. As previously mentioned, I sought out multiple avenues to contribute to the project. I feel like contributing to the Fedora Magazine will fulfill that urge.

What about you?

I highly recommend for anyone who feels the imperative need to contribute to Open Source, do so. If you are still wondering about whether or not you would fit in with the Fedora Project, I encourage you take a look here and digest their information to figure out if there is something you would enjoy. Maybe the Fedora Project isn’t right for you. I would encourage you to check out other channels of interest, such as Ubuntu, openSUSE, or Arch Linux. Simply put, just search the web for “how to get involved in the Linux community.” I’m sure the search won’t come up empty!

Photo by: Luke Southern on Unsplash
